Thursday, December 17, 2009

Great Times

Last night was a great night for the NICU staff at Florida Hospital. We ate, drank and danced our silly heads off! Fun to just let go and let loose. Some of us let loose more than others ( me ) but still everyone seemed to be having great fun.

Woke up this morning with tons of things to do and no energy to do it. How come one night of dancing for me requires another day of recouping?? Can we say, "get in shape Robin" ? Yeah, that's on my list for 2010.

Speaking of 2010 I am wondering. Do I sabotage it and make a resolution I will not hold to, or if I do it anyway, and this year, REALLY try to make it stick? I say that every year and every year I really do intend to make it work but somehow it all unravels by February. I guess New Years Resolutions are just part of ending one year and starting another with new hopes, new dreams and a chance to make it all better.

This day, this moment, I have a chance to make everything better so I will start right now. My new day resolution and try really hard to make it stick for the next 24 hours . Then perhaps tomorrow I will have another 24 hour resolution. hhhmmm, yes, that sounds so much more plausible. yes, that is what I will do. The 24 hour resolution. For today I will not swear, not one time. I will avoid any expletive, I will, I promise. ( for 24 hours ). :)


Layne said...

HA! Please let me know how that works out!

Robinlynn said...

I must confess I slipped! Yikes if only that car had not pulled out in front of me!! Do over!

amber said...

oh, i love the 24 hour resolution idea...that way you can start over everyday! :) good luck with this one!