Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Beaching It

Playing hookie today! Yes, that is right. Hubby and I are skipping work and going to beach. Been a long time since we agreed to have a date in the middle of the week so with the encouragement of our very good friends we are choosing today. I am a little freaked out about the sun and my VERY white legs but I can't imagine I will be the whitest on the beach. Although one never knows. :)

Early in the day but still the gratitude plays on in my heart. I love my life, it's challenges and chaos.

Today at 8 in the morning I am thankful for:

  1. Coffee!!
  2. Having taken care of my every 6 month labs and chest xray yesterday so I could enjoy the beach today.
  3. Walking in faith that my labs and xray are good, clear and cancer free
  4. Free time with my husband
  5. Best friends.

Have a great day all!